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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Treatment hiatus

     I've have a very tough 4 or 5 months. My husband quit his job (where we had insurance) so he could stop traveling and keep a closer eye on me. So, not only did we lose insurance he also took a severe pay cut. Which means NO meds. No abx, no pain pills and no mood meds.

     In an act of desperation I talked my mother into moving 1,200 miles away from the only home she ever knew (and the rest of our family) to help take care of me and my kids. I feel bad about taking her away from them, but I need someone to help us. She has been a great help. Especially dealing with me without meds and will take anyone's head off for no reason.

     I have been so depressed lately that my primary Doc wanted to have me committed to a mental hospital. Honestly the only reason I didn't go was because I was afraid of having another HUGE bill we could never pay. I was also scared they wouldn't actually HELP me. It was interesting to open my front door to 5 police officers, 4 EMT's and a fire truck. Once I realized my Doc called them, I talked them out of bring me since I was home with Toryn alone.

     That day (this past Monday) I paid out of pocket for both of my mood meds. Normally my co pays are $10 each. They cost $32 together with The Florida Discount Drug Card. Without it, the bill would have been twice that. My vicodin was $43 down from $60 something. Who knew Flagyl and Cipro were so expensive? Not me!  Even if I did go on some of the abx my pharmacy offers for free, I still couldn't afford the anti-yeast rx's. That's why my treatment is on hold. It seems as if I can actually feel the bacteria getting stronger and increasing in numbers.
     I have reason to believe my husband has contracted lyme and or some co-infections. About 6 months ago my hubby commented on several rust colored freckles that had surfaced on his ankle. I noticed there were more on his body. So, I counted them. I believe there were about 30 at the time. Now there are well over 50 of these spots and he also has at least 100 tiny inflamed pink/red spots all over his body that have been there for a few months and are only multiplying. He's also covered in bruises. Along with things like headaches, loss of appetite, weight loss, tiredness, restless sleep and the newest one: tingling in his feet. We just can't afford for him to go to a Dr any more than we can afford for me to go to a Dr.

    Like I said, things are rough and have been for a while. I know things will get better eventually. I'm just not a patient person.

1 comment:

  1. (((hugs)))

    8 or 9 years ago, I would have gone to the mental hospital if we could have afforded it. I feel ya.

    How can I help?

    If my insurance wasn't paying for my oral abx, I would dive into the world of self treatment. Hulda Clark's "The cure for all diseases" is a great place to start. The curezone is an amazing website for people trying to heal themselves. There is a LOT you can do to help yourself!
    I would also try to find some kind of used rife machine. Check craigslist. You and your husband could both treat for lyme and coinfections with one machine. It might not cure you, but it will get the bacterial load down so you won't fall apart completely. Most people get a lot better with rife.
    Does your hubby get insurance at his new job? When will it kick in?
    PM me your phone number on FB, and acceptable hours to call you, and I'll call if that's ok.
    I love you, Maggie!
    Sarah Myers
