I've have a very tough 4 or 5 months. My husband quit his job (where we had insurance) so he could stop traveling and keep a closer eye on me. So, not only did we lose insurance he also took a severe pay cut. Which means NO meds. No abx, no pain pills and no mood meds.
In an act of desperation I talked my mother into moving 1,200 miles away from the only home she ever knew (and the rest of our family) to help take care of me and my kids. I feel bad about taking her away from them, but I need someone to help us. She has been a great help. Especially dealing with me without meds and will take anyone's head off for no reason.
I have been so depressed lately that my primary Doc wanted to have me committed to a mental hospital. Honestly the only reason I didn't go was because I was afraid of having another HUGE bill we could never pay. I was also scared they wouldn't actually HELP me. It was interesting to open my front door to 5 police officers, 4 EMT's and a fire truck. Once I realized my Doc called them, I talked them out of bring me since I was home with Toryn alone.
That day (this past Monday) I paid out of pocket for both of my mood meds. Normally my co pays are $10 each. They cost $32 together with The Florida Discount Drug Card. Without it, the bill would have been twice that. My vicodin was $43 down from $60 something. Who knew Flagyl and Cipro were so expensive? Not me! Even if I did go on some of the abx my pharmacy offers for free, I still couldn't afford the anti-yeast rx's. That's why my treatment is on hold. It seems as if I can actually feel the bacteria getting stronger and increasing in numbers.
I have reason to believe my husband has contracted lyme and or some co-infections. About 6 months ago my hubby commented on several rust colored freckles that had surfaced on his ankle. I noticed there were more on his body. So, I counted them. I believe there were about 30 at the time. Now there are well over 50 of these spots and he also has at least 100 tiny inflamed pink/red spots all over his body that have been there for a few months and are only multiplying. He's also covered in bruises. Along with things like headaches, loss of appetite, weight loss, tiredness, restless sleep and the newest one: tingling in his feet. We just can't afford for him to go to a Dr any more than we can afford for me to go to a Dr.
Like I said, things are rough and have been for a while. I know things will get better eventually. I'm just not a patient person.